Monday, October 20, 2014

Poem on - Indian Election 2014

Why Modi?
Some say he is smatter & some say he is hard-worker;
Some say he is manipulator & some say he is developer;
Some say he is traitor & some say he is leader;
Some say he is actor & some say he is thinker;
But, in this election,
none can ignore that he the ONLY factor
for making this nation stronger and better….
-- Sandhya Jane

Honesty has its own price…
When we praise development, people hear party;
When we praise leadership, people hear person;
When we praise governance, people hear communalism;
When we praise alliance, people hear opportunism;
When we praise patriotism, people hear fanaticism…

Friends, do not try to find any hidden meaning,
which is just not there, because,
This is a wall of 'truth', not a fiction;
This is wall of 'honesty', not a mystery,
and here is NO place for sycophancy or treachery …
-- Sandhya Jane

(written in Mar 2014 during election)

(written in Mar 2014 during election)